Patricia's Construction and Contracting Blog: Tips for Novices to Experts

  • Causes of Pressure Vessel Corrosion and How It Can Be Prevented

    13 May 2016

    Pressure vessels (PVs) are important for many domestic and industrial applications, such as hot-water storage systems, mining operations, liquefied gas storage systems, nuclear reactor vessels and distillation towers, among others. For proper performance and continued safety of those using the system, it's important to implement stringent measures to prevent processes that damage these vessels. Corrosion is one process, and it can occur as a result of various factors in the internal and external environment around PVs.

  • Things You Should Know about Tilt Up Panels and Why They are Ideal for Your Construction Project

    12 May 2016

    Are you looking for a way to speed up the wall construction of the building you are setting up? Well, going for concrete tilt up panels is a good way to do it. Basically, tilt up panel construction involves the preparation of the site, casting the concrete on a floor slab and using cranes to lift the concrete panels from the ground to the position where you want to set it.

  • How to Integrate Black Into a Kitchen Renovation

    11 May 2016

    When it comes to kitchen design, people often want the space to be as light and airy as possible. This means that white and pastel shades dominate kitchen spaces. Unfortunately, this means that black is all too often ignored, because people will think it will make a kitchen space too claustrophobic. While you might not want your whole kitchen to be dominated with black, this sophisticated shade should not be ignored.

  • Electrical safety tips for the winter season

    11 May 2016

    The winter brings with it shorter days and colder nights. The use of electricity drastically increases, and so do the risks associated with it. Snow and stormy weather raise the likelihood of power outages, which may lead to dangerous situations. That means you need to take good care of yourself and your family. So here are some electrical safety tips for the winter. Caution on hitting an electric pole With the reduced visibility on the roads, the chances of hitting obstacles are increased, especially at night.

  • Some Signs That Your Home Might Need a Professional Drain Cleaning

    11 May 2016

    When your home's bathtub drain is completely clogged, then of course you'll need to call for a professional drain cleaning or snaking out of the pipes. However, pipes don't need to clog entirely for them to need a cleaning service, as there are other signs that indicate the pipes have an obstruction or should be cleaned of debris. It's also good to have this drain cleaning done regularly just to avoid major damage to the pipes that can occur once they do clog, including a burst pipe or broken connectors.

  • Quick Factors to Consider About Having Your Home Demolished

    10 May 2016

    Having a home demolished may not be an easy choice for a homeowner, but it can be the right choice in some situations. You might like the land or lot on which the home is located but not the home itself. Housing may also be scarce where you live, so it may be difficult to find a new home to which you can simply move. If you're still not sure about demolishing your home to build a new one, note a few quick factors to consider and this can help you make that decision.

  • Is Pre-Construction Soil Testing A "Need" or A "Want"?

    9 May 2016

    Building a home is often considered the most important investment for a large number of people. There are a number of pre-construction activities that prospective homeowners are required to pay for before the foundation for their home-to-be is laid. Examples of these activities include getting the necessary approvals for the construction project, having the soil on-site tested and having the property boundaries surveyed. Discussed in this article are two reasons why soil testing is more of a need (mandatory) than a want (optional) for a prospective new homeowner