Patricia's Construction and Contracting Blog: Tips for Novices to Experts

Fundamentals to Discuss with Your Custom Builder When Constructing a Two-Storey Structure

by غزل موسوی

There are several benefits of investing in a custom two-storey home build. For starters, a two-storey house takes up less space on your lot since you are expanding vertically and this leaves room for you to use the rest of the property as you wish. Secondly, the elevation that a two-storey build provides you with allows for increased natural light and stunning views of your property. Arguably, though, the most common reason why a multi-storey house is a popular choice for many homeowners is the increased space available. But before you embark on this project, you must have some basics in mind to consult with your custom home builder so that you can make the most of this investment. To enlighten you on this subject, keep reading for fundamentals to discuss with your custom builder when constructing a two-storey structure.

How can you enhance flow between the two floors?

A mistake that some people make when engaging in a custom two storey build is thinking that since the multiple floors are apart, there is no way of making them feel like one, but this is grossly incorrect. The entire reason for investing in a custom build is that you get the opportunity to design a space that has character yet is functional enough to meet your daily needs. Hence, it is crucial to discuss with your custom house builder ways to make moving from one floor to another feel effortless. There are several ways of achieving this flow. To begin with, the staircase should be located centrally so that it is easily accessible from most of the rooms in the home. Additionally, opt for spacious hallways so that the various rooms feel interconnected rather than the various living quarters feeling boxed in.

How can you maximise efficient plumbing design?

Not many homeowners think of their plumping during the design and construction of their custom home builder, and this can be attributed to the fact that not many are aware of how much of an impact it can have on their overall costs. As a result, bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms can end up located on opposite ends of the finished home. The reality of the matter is the farther away these utilities are located from each other, the more money you will spend on their installation since the plumbing hardware will crisscross all around the custom home build, which not only means more money spent on materials but your labour costs will be higher too. The best option is to have your custom house builder install all the plumbing toward one side of the house. For example, the kitchen should be located underneath a bathroom upstairs and the laundry room could be below another bathroom or in the basement under the kitchen.
