Patricia's Construction and Contracting Blog: Tips for Novices to Experts

Septic Tank Alternatives For A Home That Has A High Water Table

by غزل موسوی

Installing a septic tank is not just a matter of digging a hole in your yard and laying it down; you must first analyze the site in which you want to install the tank and determine if it has the necessary conditions for holding the tank. A high water table is one of the issues that may hinder your septic tank installation, but you shouldn't worry much about it since there is a way in which you can cope with the problem.

Understanding A High Water Table

71% of the earth is covered by water, and according to survey estimates, 30% of the water is in the ground. Water that runs under the earth's surface (groundwater) is what forms the water table. The water table is actually formed when the groundwater saturates the rocks; the point where the saturated rocks join with the upper layers of the soil that are less saturated is what is called the water table.

The name water table is derived from the fact that the water levels out even when it is deep in the ground, in the same manner as the water in your swimming pool or bath. And hence, it is assumed that the water table has a flat smooth top, just like a table. When the water continues to accumulate, the water table rises to form what is known as high water table. At times, the water table may rise to a point of causing floods.

Effects Of A High Water Table On A Septic Tank

An underground septic system contains a tank that holds wastewater and a drain field that absorbs and lets out the wastewater. If a site contains a high water table, the groundwater may enter the drain field and limit the amount of wastewater that the drain field can absorb. If this happens, the wastewater may either find a way back into your home, or it may leak above the ground.


One of the best solutions when it comes to dealing with high water tables is installing a recirculating sand filter (RSF) system. The system is particularly helpful if the distance separating the water table and drain field of your current septic tank is not big enough to allow for proper treatment of the wastewater. A recirculating sand filter contains a septic tank, a pump chamber, and a sand filter. Wastewater moves from the septic tank to the sand filter through a recirculating pump. It goes through the filter 5 times before it goes through the drain field for the last treatment. Most of the pathogens (disease-causing organisms) are killed before the wastewater moves to the drain field, and hence, the system eliminates much of the danger posed by a high water table.

For more information about your septic system options, contact a local septic company like Biosystems 2000
